9 Delicious Ideas for Breakfast Haters

9 Delicious Ideas for Breakfast Haters 9 Delicious Ideas for Breakfast Haters
Maybe you can’t stomach the thought of a meal first thing in the morning, or maybe you’ve been running on vats of coffee instead of a healthy breakfast. But you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? So what’s a busy mom to do? Next time you’re in a rush or can’t get excited by traditional breakfast staples, try some of these ideas that make even the breakfast haters’ tummies rumble.

Muffins Galore!

Make-ahead and freeze breakfast muffins are great for on-the-go! They’re quick and easy to make, and there are tons of delicious combos from these Muffin Tin Egg Cups to sweeter options like these Pancake Muffins with Canadian Bacon.

Drink Your Breakfast

The perfect pour-and-go option, smoothies are a great, easy-to-stomach option for busy moms. If you’re a multi-tasker like me, you'll love the idea of drinking your breakfast as you commute to work or drive the kids to school. Keep your freezer stocked with frozen fruit and vegetables like spinach and kale for quick and easy prep. The kids will love an icy “treat” in the morning too, and you’ll feel like a master of disguise knowing you snuck something healthy in their bellies first thing.

Lunch for Breakfast

Sometimes traditional breakfast foods sound kind of blah. Who made the rules on breakfast foods anyway? Try munching on something out of the ordinary, like this quick but hearty pizza. You can even use half a bagel or half an English muffin as the base.

Go Nuts

Nuts are such a deliciously healthy protein, and so simple too! Grab a handful of almonds, walnuts or pistachios; spread a couple tablespoons of almond or peanut butter on toast, waffles or apple slices; or eat peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon!

Energy by the Bite Size

Cookies for breakfast? Yes, please! Nut butter, oats, ground flax seed, chocolate chips and a little honey rolled into bite-size balls make heavenly little bites of energy that’ll fuel your morning. Best of all, they’re no-bake and take less than 10 minutes to make! Make some ahead and store extras in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Dip Into Breakfast

Prefer tangy over sweet in the morning? Whip up a batch of hummus! Just kidding—who has time for that? Store-bought is just as good. Like nuts, hummus is quick, healthy and full of protein and good fats to start your day right. Eat it with pita chips, baby carrots, snap peas or celery slices for some extra vitamins.

Go Greek

Yogurt’s thicker, creamier, more delectable cousin, Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and protein. I love to add a drizzle of honey and some fresh raspberries to plain Greek yogurt. Even if you’re not a fan of yogurt, give Greek yogurt a try the next time you need a quick morning meal. You may be pleasantly surprised!

Embrace the Carbs

The carb-monster strikes. But before you swing through the drive-through for a box of donuts, consider giving banana bread a try. Who has time to bake bread in the morning, you ask? Nobody! I like to bake a loaf on the weekend, then slice it and freeze it. Then I can just warm up a slice in the morning and get on with my day.

Fatten Up Your Morning

Who doesn’t love deliciously creamy avocados? I like to mash an avocado in a bowl with a little olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper and spread it on toast. Avocado is full of healthy fat and will keep you satisfied throughout your busy morning. With tons of options for every taste and appetite, there’s no excuse to skip breakfast, Mom! So next time you’re running out the door, grab one of these deliciously portable options and be ready when hunger strikes.


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